Being raised in the 90’s India, one couldn’t be a stranger to the starry-eyed woman portrayed through Hindi cinema as many-a-protagonists’ love interest. Yes, I am talking about the single consistent formula used right through the late 90’s and early 00’s. For a distinct era, I was adept to the lead actress introduced in a scenario with a single string of sitar being played, and one would catch the actress’ glimpse in a blushing sorta way, batting her eye lids with her cheeks turning red. Yes, that was how the Girl Next Door image was displayed. And that screwed up my mind for the most part.

You see, observing the various similar roles played by the Madhuris, the Raveenas, the Karishmas, etc., I was spoonfed a certain image. Also, times were different. Back then, heroes or lead actors played mostly monogamous individual roles and love triangles were extremely rare. Somehow, this brought forth a staple blueprint to make movies – And for most part, they became pretty influential. They weren’t possibly thought provoking or challenging, or to test logic; but were relatable ethos that one wouldn’t mind getting back to.

I never particularly needed a movie to help me safeguard my belief in monogamous relationships or my “Soulmate Syndrome”, but the kind of movies I was exposed to somehow created this outlook for a certain person to look forward to. I always thought of my “Soulmate” to be of the Girl Next Door kind – the slightly shy, reserved person for whom I’d have to earn my trust, after which she would be the missing jigsaw puzzle i.e. my life. Yes, this is one particularly emo post.

However, the last 5 years, if there’s any testimony – if there’s anything that has led to this post; is about the very destruction of this notion. Despite making countless attempts at connecting to a range of people who I pre-assumed, fit in the above mentioned category, I have always had to face this outcome ranging from a Facepalm to a Facefist, if I could say so.

I always thought that my ideal person would be this person who’s first glimpse was the cliched movie scenario with the “stomach butterflies” and “violins ensuing” or the “Time Slowing Down” routines. I always assumed the usually reserved and rarely enrichening beauty would be the apt choice. I made this mental list as a way of differentiating those I could fall for.

Lately, due to the invariable dips I’ve faced from such above mentioned category and the subsequent lectures from my trusty shrinks, I’ve come to a stage of destroying such notion thereby broadening my outlook. No, this is not a “Watch Out, Ladies” post. Rather, this is more of a warning. Agreed, everyone has the right to feel attracted toward a certain type of person their mind and heart wanders to. Strangely, I learned to differ from the obvious and make my own compatibility ratio with an individual. Maybe sometimes the “List” works, but expanding horizons don’t hurt your chances as well.

PS: Sorry for the delay. Explanations for such to be done in future posts. Till then, keep the boredom going.